Thursday, May 7, 2009


Here's a cool module Spamicide that I wish I would have known about earlier.  :)  I was just spammed in my Forums yesterday!  I had my forums made public so that bots could pick up the info and so that anonymous (real people) users could post and add value.  This module will help accomplish this I think.  I may/probably try it out. 
All of these little much memory do they actually take up?  Some are pretty small and have very little code, but add great value.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Drupal upgrade 6.11

I upgraded my site to 6.11 and am having the same issue as lots of others.  When logging in, the default page is now the User Profile page rather than the home page.  Argh!!!  I will take a look at the posts where others have shared their ideas.  But hey, this is my fault.  I released the update to prod and just didn’t realize it was happening locally. :P

I messed around with Actions and Triggers a bit (not long) and decided it seemed easier to go with the Login Destination module (  Boy that was easy to setup.  I like how easy it was to configure it so admin goes to his own page, whereas normal users can go to wherever I configure it to.  Pretty simple to setup! 

I would like to mess around with Actions and Triggers a bit more to get a good example and feel for them.

Monday, May 4, 2009


User Dashboard???  Something to consider
Any comments on this?