Friday, December 10, 2010

One Drupal to rule them all | Acquia

One Drupal to rule them all | Acquia: "The New York Stock Exchange is launching 30 sites on Drupal. Turner Broadcasting is migrating 80 sites to Drupal. A large consumer pharmaceuticals company might end up with over 3000 Drupal sites. Why? Because Drupal gives their IT team an agile platform to deliver new sites quickly with the breadth of capabilities to meet their needs, but broad enough in scope to serve as a web platform too."

- This was in a recent blog post by Dries on

My Notes -
I've been following several Drupal job forums and feeds, and I must say the amount of activity over the past few months seems just awesome! What Dries says in his post is proof that Drupal is growing and CIO's are getting "smarter". Wish I knew some...just kidding...but not really. :)

As an example of it's growth, I'm aware that one local college has decided to "Go Drupal" with their current websites and backlog of work. They have many requests for internal websites, and there are some that will be ported to Drupal. "Go Drupal" - defined as that point in time when an organization decides that moving forward they will commit to Drupal and all new work will use Drupal. That's my definition...just made it. :)

The Eastern Iowa Drupal group recently started meeting in August and the excitement that has been seen in the group is so great to have and gets me more pumped to be working on such a great platform.

I have yet to find anyone in Cedar Rapids using Drupal, except for me of course. In Iowa City, there are 2 businesses and the University of Iowa that are using Drupal. It is growing, and it is worth it to take a look!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mix and Match Theme

I downloaded the Mix and Match theme real quick to try out and wow!!!!  I really like it.

It uses Fusion as a base theme and to get all the bells and whistles, make sure you install Skinr.

1) There are some default color schemes you can pick from
2) Enable rounded corners for blocks, including the radius (3px, 7px, or 11px)
3) Overall, very easy to configure. Lots of options.  Nice look.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Customizing the user profile layout |

Customizing the user profile layout | "Customizing the user profile layout"

Great article on customizing the user profile. Also lots of snippets on the bottom of the page.

Friday, July 9, 2010


I need the experience...I need to learn.  I've been a long time user of Windows, just because that's the easiest.  It's what has always been there at both home and work.

But now I'm trying Ubuntu at home.  And I must say it is becoming addictive and fun.  Yes there is a learning curve for us newbies, but I think I like it.  There ae some things that are very easy to do, others take some trial and error.  Everything is much faster (so far) from what I've seen.  I'm trying to get better at the command shell, but my typing is not the best.

- Open a file to edit. yes
- Run a command that's not recognized? A "try this" will be given, including how to get the files needed to run the command.  I tried using drush and it wasn't recognized.  Ubuntu told me how to get it.  One command later and I'm running drush.  No need to surf, download, and install.  If the package is out there, you can start using it very quickly.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Drush Make on Windows

Here is a compilation of information (from posts I've found), that when combined got me drush make to work on my windows box.  Windows 7 has some issues with permissions, but I'm looking into that.

Needed to run:

  1. Once GnuWin32 is installed, rename the copy of tar.exe to something else (tar-old.exe). Tar.exe is old and doesn't do the required things for drush_make.  There's more info on tar.exe on the GnuWin32 site (
  2. Copy bsdtar.exe to tar.exe
  3. run the drush make command: drush -v -d make standard.make Test
Here is the standard.make (example):

; This file was auto-generated by drush_make
core = 6.x

projects[] = "drupal"
; Modules
projects[] = "admin_menu"
projects[] = "dhtml_menu"
projects[] = "porterstemmer"
projects[] = "token"

Monday, May 10, 2010

Drush ckeditor-download

This is a nice command for downloading the CKEditor libraries into the sites/all/libraries folder and I have used this many times in the past, but just realized that when running on a new machine that it didn't work.

Here is the error was getting after using verbose:
Executing: svn checkout                                [notice]

Duh! I needed Subversion installed.  Should have been one of the first steps since I use Subversion. But.........
What if some other drush command requires CVS or Git?  I don't think a developer should have to install every version system just to make sure it works.  Then again, installing Subversion is a piece of cake. :P

Friday, February 5, 2010

Zend PHP 5 Certification - ZCE -

Zend PHP 5 Certification - ZCE - "Zend PHP Certification
Setting the Industry Standard for PHP Certifications
Sponsored by Zend and developed according to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards, Zend Certification programs are designed to test a candidate’s level of knowledge in PHP or Zend Framework without prejudice to other technologies. The tests use a set of testing questions that reflect real-world scenarios, including knowledge in many areas ranging from basics to the more complex topics. The certification exam is executed for Zend by Pearson Vue."

I've been thinking about this for a short while. With a majority of my experience being Java, how do I convince someone that I can code in PHP. I'm not aware if there are Drupal certifications, but PHP might be a good start if that's where I want to head.

By convince, I mean that I can, but it's not really apparent. You have to either show some code samples or a certification.

Monday, February 1, 2010

| Drupal Gardens

Drupal Gardens Blog: "Drupal Gardens launches in private beta
Submitted by Dries on Wed, 01/27/2010 - 07:59
I have a pretty big update for you: we just launched Drupal Gardens into private beta. Since the first public Drupal Gardens demo at DrupalCon Paris, a lot of progress has been made. Today, we sent private beta invites to the first people that signed up to be beta testers, and if things go well, we'll send out a couple thousand more invitations over the next few weeks."

This is a pretty awesome website in my opinion. Yeah, it might hurt the little guy, but it'll also help too. Help more than hurt. When you get the name of Drupal out there more, people won't be requesting as many "websites" and they will be requesting more "Drupal websites". I build Drupal websites, but I don't have the resources to build the "Automated website builder in 15 minutes" functionality.

So yes, this will help me. There's still the local website customer. There's still the Entrepreneur websites I want to build.

Great job for Acquia and Dries!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eh hemmmmm....... is running Drupal. Fantastic! :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Drupal Usage Statistics

Drupal Usage Statistics

Sweet usage statistics and graphs. Nice for anyone trying to decide on what CMS to use. For the CMS distribution, it shows Drupal is used in 41.5% of the cases.

Email Blacklist - Email Blacklist Lookup for an Individual IP Address

Email Blacklist - Email Blacklist Lookup for an Individual IP Address: "Are you on an Email Blacklist?

Enter your website's IP address in the box below and click on 'lookup' to use our email blacklist tool to check:
(NOTE: this must be the address that your email is sent from. If you are unsure of what address to enter, contact your server administrator.)"

Now this is a pretty neat tool. I had suspicions one of my sites was blacklisted since some emails were not being received. The IP was found blacklisted on one blacklist server, so now I'm working on getting it delisted.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 : Quick Online Color Picker Tool : Quick Online Color Picker Tool

Here's a cool tool. Point your clients here so they can start looking at possible website colors they would like.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Gallery Assist |

Gallery Assist | "What does Gallery Assist?

The module 'Gallery Assist' provides a nodetype prepared with gallery functionality."

Interesting here. I was able to get this up and running very quickly.

Another website I have sues the following:
ImageAPI 1.6
ImageCache 2.0-beta10
Node Gallery 6.x-2.0-alpha10
Lightbox2 1.9
CCK 2.6
CCK ImageField 3.1

But when I tried to recreate it on a new website, I continued to have issues. Gallery Assist worked right away. I need to evaluate both a little more and also see why my original solution is having issues.

album photos |

album photos | "'Album photos' is an image album module providing multi-user album features. The module development objective is to provide a comprehensive image album solution for Drupal"

This looks pretty cool. Looking forward to checking this out.