Friday, February 5, 2010

Zend PHP 5 Certification - ZCE -

Zend PHP 5 Certification - ZCE - "Zend PHP Certification
Setting the Industry Standard for PHP Certifications
Sponsored by Zend and developed according to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards, Zend Certification programs are designed to test a candidate’s level of knowledge in PHP or Zend Framework without prejudice to other technologies. The tests use a set of testing questions that reflect real-world scenarios, including knowledge in many areas ranging from basics to the more complex topics. The certification exam is executed for Zend by Pearson Vue."

I've been thinking about this for a short while. With a majority of my experience being Java, how do I convince someone that I can code in PHP. I'm not aware if there are Drupal certifications, but PHP might be a good start if that's where I want to head.

By convince, I mean that I can, but it's not really apparent. You have to either show some code samples or a certification.

Monday, February 1, 2010

| Drupal Gardens

Drupal Gardens Blog: "Drupal Gardens launches in private beta
Submitted by Dries on Wed, 01/27/2010 - 07:59
I have a pretty big update for you: we just launched Drupal Gardens into private beta. Since the first public Drupal Gardens demo at DrupalCon Paris, a lot of progress has been made. Today, we sent private beta invites to the first people that signed up to be beta testers, and if things go well, we'll send out a couple thousand more invitations over the next few weeks."

This is a pretty awesome website in my opinion. Yeah, it might hurt the little guy, but it'll also help too. Help more than hurt. When you get the name of Drupal out there more, people won't be requesting as many "websites" and they will be requesting more "Drupal websites". I build Drupal websites, but I don't have the resources to build the "Automated website builder in 15 minutes" functionality.

So yes, this will help me. There's still the local website customer. There's still the Entrepreneur websites I want to build.

Great job for Acquia and Dries!!!